Monday, July 16, 2007

Three days until launch

It turns out there isn't much to report during the preparation of a trip like this. It could be that there isn't that much preparation. That's all changing because I am almost ready to go and now there is a lot happening.

The plane is all set. It had a clean annual in June as well as getting the WAAS upgrade on the Garmin 530. I had a 50 hour service done last week, which should last just about long enough to get me where I'm going and back.

I also had the good fortune to get a new-to-me camera, a like-new Canon 20D that I bought from a co-worker. I hope I am up to the task of getting some great photographic records of the trip.

The itinerary is pretty much finalized. It looks like this:

Day Date Route Distance (nm)
1 7/19/07 KPAO-KSMO-KIGM 536
2 7/20/07 KIGM-KGUP 271
3 7/21/07 KGUP-KABQ-KSAF 155
5 7/23/07 KSAF-KOJA 394
6 7/24/07 KOJA-KDAL-KMIO 494
7 7/25/07 KMIO-KSPI 348
8 7/26/07 KPI-KPWK 160
11 7/29/07 KPWK-KBHM 515
13 7/31/07 KBHM-KMDH 280
15 8/2/07 KMDH-KSTL-KLNK 400
16 8/3/07 KLNK-U42 694
17 8/4/07 U42-KPAO 509

Hopefully I will have almost daily updates of my progress from here on.


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